Alap Európa Kft

Alap Európa - Quality Support Services

H-8200 Veszprém, Kistó u. 21. Shopfloor:+36209694095 Office:+36209376591

Bakony-Balaton Mechatronics and Automotive Industry Cluster membership

Alap Europa Ltd. has been a full member of the Bakony-Balaton Mechatronics and Automotive Industry Cluster since December 2014.


The cluster is a network of cooperating small, medium-size and large enterprises, R+D institutions and development organisations in the field of mechatronics and the automotive industry centred around the Bakony and Balaton region.

The activities, income, success, the improvement of their market position, the strengthening of the domestic and international relations of their members their developments and investments – based on mutual interests – are all linked to the competitiveness of the priority industries of the Transdanubian Region (automotive industry, mechatronics) and to the improvement of the employment level of the industry.


The most important members of the cluster are well-known automotive and mechatronics companies, mainly from Europe, but there is an increasing number of American and Asian partners as well.


The main activities of the cluster members are centred around the processing industry, such as, for example, the production of automotive products and components, mechatronics, electronics and electro-mechanical assembly, plastic and metal processing, and the supporting facilities and services characteristically belong to the field of professional, scientific, technical activities, services as well as education and training.